About Us
Journey Academy of Healthcare was developed to meet the needs of the many medical assistants who either want to advance their career by becoming certified and need assistance in test taking techniques and refreshers on materials or those that have not been able to enter or had to leave the field due to life's many obstacles and unfortunate circumstances. With over 23 years as a AAMA Certified Medical Assistant, working in Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Ob/GYN, Occupational Therapy and Concierge Care, performing in both front and back office and in management and education as an Instructor and Program Director within many states across the United States, I have committed my entire career to medical assisting. I am eager to share my knowledge and expertise with all those in need and interested. I also have a Masters in Healthcare Business Administration and have been Certified as an ECG Technician and Phlebotomy Technician, I have also taken and passed the MA Certification with NHA, RMA and NCCT organizations.
To provide high quality education and training to create empowered, highly proficient, and employable health care professionals that meet the needs of the community in their respective roles.
Students who complete our courses and/or graduates of our program will have the ability to proficiently:
Demonstrate a high level of critical thinking;
Apply theoretical and clinical knowledge to the practice of their professions;
Practice empathy and compassion at all times;
Demonstrate the capacity to adapt to the changes that result from growth in the medical community, and individual profession;
Support the advancement of the allied health profession.

Brooklynn Benjamin, CMA MBA
Founder, Instructor